This site is a testament to not only my life but to the insanity of society. Dive into Psycho Carnival and you'll find tragicomic personal stories, wild yet honest rants, a little depravity, videos and a buttload of other goodies.

This site also contains adult like humor and ideas that could make you think. Consider yourself warned!

Thursday, April 1, 2010



Dark Slander said...

You may like this:

Kelly said...

I checked it out. Funny shit, man I've never actually seen eggs scream like that before. Sweet.

Anonymous said...

Nice post. Very creative. I even watched the video. You were right. They scream a lot!

Kelly said...

Thanks, friend. I find that eggs taste better after they scream.

klahanie said...

When I see them thar eggs..I reckoned that they would have had no fuckin' chance against my friend, the 'spoon' in an 'egg and spoon' race.
I think I'm cracking up:-)

Kelly said...

I'm glad you are cracking up, my bloggy pal. I would offer to put you back together with some "Scotch" Tape but because you are British/Canadian, I am afraid it just wouldn't work out. :-) Yes, I still remember that ol' spoon and egg race story like it was yesterday. Classic. And mine would win. :-) --Now, that's two emoticons... That's all you're getting. Happy Easter!

lwr said...

hahaha, awesome idea. love it. poor eggs =(

Kelly said...

LoneWolf: If you think what we did with the eggs were wrong, you should see what we did to the Easter Bunny.

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