Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Baby and a Snake
Monday, March 29, 2010
Sandwich Envy
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Toadie in "Road Rage Spectacular"
Friday, March 26, 2010
Illogical Impatience And Other Societal Mental Illnesses
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Onthophagus Taurus and Dryer Vents

The beetle, Onthophagus Taurus, is an insect that is able to pull 1, 141 times it's own body weight. It is the equivalent of a 150 lb person lifting six double-decker buses. Now that, my friends, is strong.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Baby Ronald McDonald
Monday, March 22, 2010
My prom experience didn’t end with a happy ending. What I mean by that is I didn’t get to push the old stink log into the tuna hatch. Wasn’t sure if you had the picture.
Anyway, I finally had gotten the nerve up (Yeah, I was shy in high school) to ask out this girl in my class. Her and I got along well and we talked from time to time. In very small doses. Moving on…. She says yes to the offer and I’m elated because I think I’m going to finally going to be able to spread a lil’ Kelly Seed before the prom night is through. And not by hand, either.
And yes, I was a virgin when I was 17.
Moving on, we’re dancing and stuff, having a pretty good time, listening to some “Crazy Train” by Ozzy Osbourne and all seems to be going well. And then we slow dance. And then I get the biggest boner in the world. I’m pitchin’ a real bonerfide tent here, folks. And “Michelle” is feeling it through her prom dress. I’m not sure, but I think I “almost” popped her cherry through sheer penis determination.
After a few minutes of feeling my wang rubbing up against her prom dress, “Michelle” backs away from me during the second slow song and seems sincerely frightened of me and my magic wand. Damn, I think to myself. All throughout the rest of the night, she more or less avoids me. I hung out the rest of the night with my friends and found relief when I finally got home, semi-drunk and full of seed.
The End
Saturday, March 20, 2010
"Pepper" by The Butthole Surfers
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Why Do People Have A Problem With Health Care Reform?

The Health Care Reform Bill will ensure that low income U.S. citizens and small businesses, alike, will be able to afford health care. This would be great, for many reasons, if and when it ever passes approval from fat and wealthy politicains. It means anyone unable to receive medical attention because they could not afford it due to being unemployed, not earning enough money or their job doesn't carry health insurance -they won't have to worry about the added problem of not having health insurance.
Feeding America, the nations largest domestic hunger-relief charity, provides a quadrennial comprehensive study of domestic hunger called "Hunger in America 2010". The data from this study showed the following truths:
- More than 35 percent of adult clients report having to choose between health care and food in the past year.
- There has been a 60 percent increase, over four years, in the number of adult clients who report that they or another household member has no health insurance.
- Almost half of our adult clients report that they or a household member has unpaid medical bills.
- One in three adult clients report that someone in their household is in "poor health."
- One in 10 adult clients report that they have been refused medical care in the past year because they couldn't afford it.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Sunday, March 14, 2010
You'll Thank Me Later For This In Your Dreams Tonight
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Your Blog Is Your Child

Everyone's blog is like their own child, really. Raising a kid, I would have to say, is sort of like the molding of your own blog to your own personal, satisfactory creation. Except a kid is a living breathing thing that has come into being from popping out of a woman's hoo hoo. That, I believe, is the technical term for a woman's vagina. A blog, on the other hand, does not breathe. Just thought I'd let you in on that secret. But there are comparisons that can be made.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Computer Fire and Repair

After seeing smoke rolling out of both ends of my CPU, Sunday and nearly having a stroke, I figured that my computer was completely trashed. I took it to the computer repair shop and told them to call me and give me an estimate on labor and parts before doing anything to it (if it was salvageable). If the cost was going to be too high, I would get the hard drive and other components out of it that wasn't damaged and chuck the rest in the dumpster or elsewhere.
Monday, March 8, 2010
My Computer Blew Up!!!
Moving on... (gotta hurry writing this, I suppose... I'm on a half hour timer here)
After pushing the power button on my own computer, repeatedly, and getting nothing but whirring sounds, I almost gave up on the damn thing. So rather than throw it out the window, in utter frustration, I sat back and let the damn thing "rest" for a half hour.
I pushed on the power button, once more, after I gave the damn thing a break. This time I got a loud POPPING noise and smoke coming out of both ends of my CPU. Hooray! If you thought I was insane before, well, ya oughta get a load of me now! I had no idea my addiction to my computer was that severe until now. It's only been one day, and I'm already driving my wife completely nuts. She has threatened to cut my jingle berries off!
Anyway, I take the computer to the repair shop. They say the power supply is dead and they don't know what else is wrong yet til they get a chance to look at it. If the motherboard is fucked, I might as well get a new computer (which really, I don't have the money for). So say a little prayer, cross your fingers or speak in tongues for me, please, for some miracle I get my computer back soon before I become completely unhinged.
Now, the library timer says I have 13 minutes left...
Bottom line: Don't be surprised if I'm unable to correspond with anyone by BlogCatalog, Email or my own blog or your blog or whatever anytime soon. If I'm unable to get my CPU repaired and I have to buy a new one, it may be a couple weeks before I can get back to one of the things I love doing... blogging and commenting. I promise, when all is well in my computer situation again, I will comment back to all of ya and get in touch, in general.
Till then... Take care, everyone!
And cross your fingers that my wife doesn't cut my nuts off before then.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Inspired By Mr. Bungle
Friday, March 5, 2010
Seasonal Affective Disorder and Other Maladies
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Alice In Wonderland

If I'm watching the trailers, correctly, for this latest movie version of Alice in Wonderland, I would have to say the people who made this flick had to have been dropping some major acid. I'm sure you've seen the previews at one time or another. They come on TV about every three seconds or so. That tells me it will either blow cat chunks or... or it will blow a deranged transvestite wearing a funny hat and freaky makeup. Kinda like that picture of Johnny Depp in the upper left corner.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Your WTF Product of The Day
Don't You Hate Using Emoticons?
Don't You Hate Emoticons?
I know I do. Most of the time, I feel I have to use emoticons to let people know I'm kidding in a comment, blog post or email just so some Dumbass, with a capital D, won't get their feelings hurt or misinterpret what I said or mean.
It's tedious and ridiculous doing that shit.
Here's a great idea I stole from an email from my not-so-slightly-warped Aunt. They're called Assicons.
:) means smile and
:( is a frown
Sometimes these are represented by
Well, hey gang, how about trying this latest up and coming trend that you're sure to want to get in on.... ASSICONS!
(_!_) a regular ass
(__!__) a fat ass
(!) a tight ass
(_*_) a sore ass
{_!_} a swishy ass
(_o_) an ass that's been around
(_x_) kiss my ass
(_X_) leave my ass alone
(_zzz_) a tired ass
(_E=mc2_) a smart ass
(_$_) Money coming out of his ass
(_?_) Dumb Ass
They're not only useful, they're amusing. So, why not try Assicons? They're not any more asinine than emoticons.