It's hard to believe I've been blogging for three freakin' years but I have. It's been 3 years to this very day when I first started this site. December, 13th, 2007. During these three years, I've befriended a lot of bloggers, visited a lot of unique, quality blogs and endured a lot of bullshit and good times in my life while crankin' out posts that have involved subjects that were either funny, insane, tragic, joyous and ones that defied any of those descriptions.
In my opinion, these posts have been my personal 10 best, thus far:
I have no idea how much longer I'll be able to do it but I have to admit, it's been rewarding. Not just because I've been able to share my insanity with all of you but being able to get some stuff off my chest. I hope you've enjoyed the ride as much as I have.
Take care, folks!
After reading all ten posts, I have decided Kelly, that you are disgusting.
I like that in a person.
Cheers, old boy!
Three years! When you get to five you'll receive the golden dildo award! I think you should write a follow-up story about Toadie. He needs to get his just desserts.
Hi Kelly,
Sincere congratulations on the turd, sorry, third anniversary of your blog:-)
You have done loads of brilliant blogs. Lots of variety, from serious and thought provoking, to downright bloody crude. You dude, are one versatile writer and you have my utmost respect.
It can be rewarding, sometimes tiring, but I know how much therapeutic and cathartic value this resource has and will be, for you. Thanks for being such an integral part of this wonderful online community of bloggers and those who have the good fortune to read your prose.
Once again, congratulations and happy writing.
In kindness, Gary :-)
Hello Kelly. I could not say it any better than Klahanie/Gary, above.
I love the way one never knows what kind of post will be found with each new publishing!
Don't stop the good work.
Best regards, Bazza.
Three years is epic in my book. The Snee will be celebrating its one year anniversary in a few days.....will it be around in three? I'm delighted that I found your blog. It's always filled with something new, unexpected and mainly what I love....infused with you. Congratulations, and I look forward to more fabulous writing years to come.
Happy anniversary, Kelly!! I honestly don't think I ever would have felt at home in the blog world if it weren't for finding bloggers as awesome as you.
Sir Tom Eagerly- I thank you, Sir Tom, for that description. It warms the cockles of my cold, depraved heart and now I am so deeply filled with happiness, I could fart and masturbate at the same time.
Try it. You'll love it.
Seasons Greetins and penis squeezins, old chap.
Gorilla Bananas- Gosh, I can't wait to get that Golden Dildo Award. Of course, I could just steal the dildo from my wife's drawer, paint it gold and cheat but then, it just wouldn't be the same, gosh darn it.
I've written 3 other Toadie stories/sequels in the past. They're in the post archives so you have to look.
But lo and behold... I may have good news for you... I've been thinking of doing a Toadie Christmas story since last month. Who knows if I actually get around to doing it? Cross your testicles!
klahanie/Gary Dude- I thank you for the kind compliments, my friend. Your words give me great comfort and I do try to convey, with honesty, what I'm feeling at the moment. And I do try to entertain or inform folks about whatever I'm writing about. I want to thank you for your support within and outside of this blog. Because of people like you, I'm inspired to keep writing this blog.
'Turd anniversary'? lol. You just had to go there, didn't ya? lol. Geez.
And you're right about it all being therapeutic and, at times, tiring. I tell you what gives me a certain satisfaction when I do one of these posts... That is the feeling I get after writing something up and publishing something that is honest and comes from the heart- no matter how wacky, serious, crude or humorous it might be. As long as I remain honest about what I'm writing and stay true to myself, then I FEEL I've accomplished what I've set out to do.
Take care, Gary, and thanks.
bazza- Thanks, bazza, for saying that. If there's one thing you can say absolutely for sure about this blog, is that it is truly versatile.
Keep well, dude and you keep up the great writing on your end, as well.
THE SNEE- Yeah, Rebecca, 3 years is quite a while in the world of blogging. Most give it up due to boredom or real life priorities intervening. I'm glad to hear you've been at it for an entire year. Most folks don't/can't keep it up even that long. You're a wonderful writer and you have a great, witty sense of humor.
In addition, I thank you, humbly, for the kind words you have written of me and this blog. I'm glad you like what I put out here.
Well, milady, I hope you have a very happy and peaceful holiday. Take care, Rebecca.
Lilpixi- Thank you, LilPixi!! I'm glad you and I have made a blog connection. Your blog makes me laugh and think. That's a rare thing in an internet full of glop. Keep up the great writing, girl.
And here's hoping you continue your Christmas fixation. lol. Or is that Christmas Vacation? My favorite line from that movie: "The shitter's full."
Crap... 3 years? Good god, Heathen... I'm sitting here with hiccups just thinking about it!
Chin up and all that crap... Here's to at LEAST 3 more!
vineyard.com- i think 3 years in the blogworld is close or equal to 60 years in human age. I'm sitting here, myself, getting the shits just thinkin' about that. :)
Thanks for the encouragement. I wonder if my juices will still be flowing (Or spurting) so to speak, to keep it up. My chin, that is. lol.
The Wolf- Thanks, man. Ha ha... yeah, I think they, whoever they are... are talking about wonderfulness of marriage.
Oops... here comes the wife... I've gotta switch to a porn site now- so she doesn't read the evil things I have to say here.
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