Now to me, that's just being ungrateful. If I had a secret like that, I would damn well keep my mouth shut and keep the Love Train ah chuckin' along.
In high school, we had a beautiful blonde teacher that taught English. At least, I think she did. The guys weren't really focused on the subject she taught. Good BuhJesus, the tight, low cut outfits she would wear in the mornings would cause all the guys to pay attention and raise our phallic flags in her honor.
One morning, Miss Busse (We called her Miss Busty -clever, huh?) was passing back our homework papers that she had graded the night before. Miss Busse personally stopped at each student desk to deliver the graded homework. As I was fantasizing about all the various positions I would have liked to put Miss Busty in, I felt a sudden touch on my shoulder. It was Miss Busse. She bent down close to me. I could smell her hair, the natural scent of herself and in the corner of my eye, I saw her creamy, awesome boobs about ready to fall out of her low cut blouse.
As she placed the papers on my desk, I nearly exploded.
Miss Busse, her voice smooth as warm velvet, said, "I can tell you worked hard on this. That's why I gave you an A. Keep up the hard work."
I thought to myself, I am keeping up the hard work. If it were any harder, my zipper would pop off, hit Paul in the eye to the left of me and blind his sorry ass.
Back to my point: The lesson to be learned today is, if you have a hot teacher willing to give you extra special attention, don't blow it. Be grateful for such a generous educator. Give her the respect she deserves. And, most importantly, don't brag to your idiot friends about your good fortune.
This is Gary and Barry Skinflute. They are twins. Gary enjoys long Sunday drives on sunny, spring days. Barry, however, does not drive.
We paid top dollar to get this one of Frank Polesky. After quitting his job as a carnie, Frank was accepted into the Freak organization upon showing off his many skills and talents in ballet.
This is Sarah Silverman. Sometimes, she can be funny. Here, she is showing everyone what her vagina looks like.
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