Thursday, January 29, 2009
Comics: The Old, New and Bizarre
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Here's The Outside Scene Around My Place
Here's some shots of our back balcony. Thought these were kinda cool.
These are my two cats. The grey, brown and white calico is Mufasa, named from a character from "The Lion King" movie. She's heavily matted now. Mufasa has trouble licking her hair out, especially her back and ass parts, because she's so chubby. In a couple weeks, we're going to get her shaved. She'll be put out first, of course. The last time someone tried to shave her, while she was awake, she bit a dozen holes through her leather muzzle until finally breaking through and taking a chunk out of the pet groomer's arm. After that, she celebrated victory by pissing and shitting all over the place. Ordinarily, she's very loving toward us. Doesn't care much for strangers, however. Tends to hiss and sometimes nip. Adorable.
Luckily, we didn't get sued by the pet groomer. Heh heh.
The next one here is of Victor, our red haired tabby. He's my baby. In this shot, you can see him doing something he's not supposed to do- which is get up on our kitchen table chair. And yes, that's our very cluttered kitchen table in the backround. LOL.
So there you go. That's all I got for now.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Got Too Much Crap Beating Down On Top Of Me
This is what's going on with me that's making me especially crazy these past few months:
* I've been having problems with my patience and my depression concerning my father's newly diagnosed vascular dementia. It falls on my sister and I to take care of him, of course, since our mother died 3 years ago. It's hard to watch him fade like this. He was, and still is, at times, strong of spirit and able to make perfect sense of things. He was always stubbornly independent and had a good sense of humor. These days, many of those traits might not be seen in him. Hard to watch. It's been a struggle getting Dad to do things, too. There's more to all of this, but that's all I'm going to say.
* Had to see a new head shrink for my depression disorder. You ever hear of BumFuck, Egypt. No? Well, ya see, it means a place that's horribly easy to get lost in, forever, while you curse like a pirate, lop off a head and shit down somebody's neck. That's where my psychiatrist has his business set up. And he's the closest one I could nab that my insurance would cover. Before this, I was able to see a therapist, only two miles away. There's more to all of this, but that's all I'm going to say. See a pattern?
* I've had my type 2 diabetes under decent control for the past 15 years. I only had to take one capsule of Metformin, each day, during that entire time. Then, as my depression ( which I have- due to several things) deepened, I let my health go to complete hell. If I lost my feet, hands or life I didn't care. I ate what I wanted, basically. My blood sugar count has been skyrocketing in the last 6 months.
Here's what I got out of that type of attitude, that I still partially have, even now:
I'm pissing every hour or so like a drunk in an ocean of beer.
My brain is sluggish because diabetes causes your blood to have the viscous quality of molasses. Duuuuuuuuuuuh.
The rare cuts and bruises I get (no, not from the wife) don't heal quickly. I've had the same light scratches on my leg from a month ago.
And I have all the energy of a slug on acid.
And so much more.
So the doctor has me on insulin now. What absolute joy to have to inject a needle in your thigh or your belly, forever. Such merry thoughts are pip-popping into mind. You must realize I'm dancing right now, singing and wishing that I stroke out, fall to the floor and flounder like the big goddam fish that I goddam am. Yayhoo and Kiss My Hairy White Ass. Girls only, though. They-are-so-lucky.
Which brings me to this:
* I've got a fat chunky hemorrhoid sticking out of my ass. Have you ever tried to push a granite like turd out of your ass and feel your asshole rip out? Well, I've done that. And now, every time I wipe, I scream. Whenever I sit, I scream. It hurts trying find your anus with the cream or the hard white capsule that's shaped with points at the ends. Why can't an angel suddenly appear and gently rub a dollop of "heavenly whipped cream" or something in my crack every minute or so? Tinkerbell comes to mind.
Yeah, I know. She's not an angel. But I bet her hands are nice and soft.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
No One's Virginity Is Worth That
Face Stomping
What delightful fun, Mr. Coleman is having. Ooops. It was an accident. Giggle` Giggle. High fives to everyone around him.
Friday, January 23, 2009
The Human Race Is, Indeed, A Freak Show
But it is true what I say. You, I and the other inhabitants on this rock are the players in this continuous show. We kill each other for religion, land, oil and whatever reason that suits our fancy. We scrutinize and pass judgement on each other's intelligence, monetary wealth, family background, race, outward appearance, physical abilities and whatever nonsense that comes to mind. We pollute the air we breathe. We overfish and poison the oceans. And we destroy and deforest the land we live on.
Dance, monkeys, dance!
It's my belief that all those things I've ranted about are terrible, shallow, insane and suicidal on a planetary scale. Can I get an amen on that?
I don't get it. If we know that the outcome of all our dangerous actions will be the ultimate death of all or most of the human race, why do we continue to do it? There must be a lot of denial going on in our minds. I know any excuses given are worthless compared to what will happen if we don't get our collective mindset right and stop being so fucking crazy.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Couldn't Pull Away From This Clip
I have this irritating feeling I'm going to be embarrassed for posting this clip tomorrow afternoon. Could be a fart bottled up, though.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Give Teachers The Respect They Deserve
Now to me, that's just being ungrateful. If I had a secret like that, I would damn well keep my mouth shut and keep the Love Train ah chuckin' along.
In high school, we had a beautiful blonde teacher that taught English. At least, I think she did. The guys weren't really focused on the subject she taught. Good BuhJesus, the tight, low cut outfits she would wear in the mornings would cause all the guys to pay attention and raise our phallic flags in her honor.
One morning, Miss Busse (We called her Miss Busty -clever, huh?) was passing back our homework papers that she had graded the night before. Miss Busse personally stopped at each student desk to deliver the graded homework. As I was fantasizing about all the various positions I would have liked to put Miss Busty in, I felt a sudden touch on my shoulder. It was Miss Busse. She bent down close to me. I could smell her hair, the natural scent of herself and in the corner of my eye, I saw her creamy, awesome boobs about ready to fall out of her low cut blouse.
As she placed the papers on my desk, I nearly exploded.
Miss Busse, her voice smooth as warm velvet, said, "I can tell you worked hard on this. That's why I gave you an A. Keep up the hard work."
I thought to myself, I am keeping up the hard work. If it were any harder, my zipper would pop off, hit Paul in the eye to the left of me and blind his sorry ass.
Back to my point: The lesson to be learned today is, if you have a hot teacher willing to give you extra special attention, don't blow it. Be grateful for such a generous educator. Give her the respect she deserves. And, most importantly, don't brag to your idiot friends about your good fortune.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Wallowing In Shallow
Hee ho.
What's so horrendously stupid is the media making a big deal about who is dressed in whatever brand name/"artificial" person as they have year after year. Who freaking cares?
I just wanna see boobies.
Most of these celebrities have so much goddamn makeup painted on their faces, they resemble department store mannequins. Have you ever seen one without make up. Scares the shit out of me when I see a picture of one. I want to throw up my hands and say, "Are there anyone of these media-worshiped people going to get to anything close to real looking. Not real close. I don't want to be startled and make a mess in my pants."
We've known a long time that you look pretty much like the rest of us. Tell your agent that your face needs to look like you've gotten out of the house a couple times in your lifetime.
And for all the rest of these wankers who buy those paparazzi rags over the counter. You can stand up and be counted as being just as shallow. Who's give a shit about celebrity lives?
Chance are, they may be as fucked up as the rest of ours. Again, who cares?
I shall now get off my soapbox and open my latest boobie magazine. I thank you, gentle reader, for your patience. Please..... enjoy my sarcasm. Goodbye for now. Don't get hit by any metal trains. See ya.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Well, you should, damn it.
My cat drank all the liquified wax out of my candle jar a couple months ago and when he pissed and crapped, it smelled like Dreamy Vanilla Cream.
Gosh, that litter pan smelled wonderful, for a change.
Well, enough yakin'. Watch this video clip and learn something important, damn it!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Afraid? You Should Be.
This is Gary and Barry Skinflute. They are twins. Gary enjoys long Sunday drives on sunny, spring days. Barry, however, does not drive.
This is Wendy. Her nipples are not pierced.We paid top dollar to get this one of Frank Polesky. After quitting his job as a carnie, Frank was accepted into the Freak organization upon showing off his many skills and talents in ballet.
This is Sarah Silverman. Sometimes, she can be funny. Here, she is showing everyone what her vagina looks like.
The brute on the left Karro Sirrup. The man getting his face grabbed by Sirrup is Budder Scots. Budder watches Masterpiece Theatre. Karro enjoys the soft fur of a kitten. Both engage in the art of fudge packing.These are but a few of the Freaks that are known. They are gathering, as we speak, preparing to take over America. It's been rumored that they eat vegetables and small children. Be on the lookout!