While we are on the subject of animals and genitals, let me share with you a wonderful story that my sister related to me not long ago. Last week, while my sister went out to check out her animal farm, she was treated to a show performed by two of her ducks. The male duck was on top of the female duck doing what was suppposed to be a natural act. According to sis, it was anything but natural. It turns out the genitals of ducks are hideously deformed and just not right. My sister, horrified, could not look away. It appeared as if the guts were coming out of the male duck's lower half. The female duck's junk was equally grotesque. Disturbed, yet intrigued all the same, she later seeked out a picture of duck genitals on the internet and sent me a few pics so that I could see the nightmarish imagery myself. I sent her a note of thanks after seeing the pics and promptly upchucking my last meal.
Not only am I going to share with you the duck pics and their ungodly private parts but I'm also going to show you more than you wanted to see with more funky animal genitals from the animal kingdom. Hooray you say? You bet!
Note: The female duck's genitals are on the left. The male's weirdo junk is on the right. Below that is a male duck, in flight, with his gangly weinersnitzle hanging down and out.
The following pictures are of a donkey weenie, snake's double headed penis, an elephant's tallywhacker and a Killer Whale's 8 foot long penis. Aren't you jealous, guys? Imagine. Eight feet long. Wow. I mean.... where would you put a thing like that? Geez!

Lord Mardee: You are sick and demented. So we think the same. Heh heh. That's bad. Isn't it?
Sy: Yes, I do believe an 8 foot peener could slice a woman in half. But whatta way to go.
Oh. sorry.
Heh heh.
Hey thanks for that I just had chinese buffet for lunch!
you think thats bad?
a tapir's penis is about the length of his body. As is a slug's although the female will bite it down to the correct size to fit her. o.0
What is a Tapir? I don't think I've heard of such an animal.
By the way.... that sounds like it would hurt.
lolz wow...ima have to go with being glad im not a slug...though having two cock doesnt sound half bad..albiet a little weird but it would definately make things interesting
Wow........ and who are these people? LOL
Ew ew ew gross...Why am I aroused? That, by the way, is why whales have blowholes, so that monstrosity can pop out somewhere other than the mouth during underwater reverse snorkeling.
LilPixi- Wow, indeed. Are you asking who the people are in the pics or in the comments here? That guy holding the whale dick is about to take his pants off and ride it like a flagpole at SeaWorld.
Pickleope- Oh, it's not gross. It's just nature. Isn't nature grand and not in the least bit disturbing. Lol. I think your whale blowhole theory is a good one. Have you even seen someone using a whale dick to reverse snorkle with? That would make the cover of National Geographic, I'd think.
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