If they're not manufacturing kids' toys with lead paint or contaminating pet food, toothpaste and milk with toxins, the folks in China just can't seem to get their heads out of their asses. Does anyone ever inspect anything over there before it gets shipped out to the public?
Today, China's Premier Wen Jiabo promised to improve Chinese food safety. While at the World Economic Forum, Wen said, "We plan not only to revitalize the food industry and the milk powder industry, we will try to ensure that all China-made products are safe for consumers and consumers can buy with assurance."
So far, over 50,000 children have been made ill by the milk they are distributing. Melamine, used to make plastics and fertilizer, has been found in the milk powder and was linked to kidney stones in children. Melamine, if you recall, was found in the pet food they distributed last year, resulting in hundreds of animal deaths. It was found out that adding melamine was a normal practice for them. It was added to fake higher protein levels. As a matter of fact, they've added melamine to quite a few products meant for consumption.
Melamine was used to make these plastic cups, plates and bowls.

"When this kind of problem of food safety occurs, we do not cover it up," Premier Jiabo said. "We face it candidly and have taken bold moves to address it. I think this has laid a good foundation for resolving problems."
Oh yeah? I don't think so. Your country has been quite good at covering that issue up and more. You can go on the internet and find many eye opening examples.
Can you imagine if this happened in the US? The class action suits that would already be filed?
You would think that modern day China could afford better testing equipment. They can afford to spend over 41 billion on big Olympic stadiums, big Olympic celebration whoopity doo's and so on. Why not fork over some money on equipment that will ultimately save lives? And why you're at it, adopt stricter measures and techniques when it comes to food inspection. Such as: Not putting melamine in all the food you produce. It's not meant for food, you fucking morons.

And give your people Human Rights, too.
Stop disgracing yourselves in front of the rest of the world.