Yes, this is the long awaited, highly anticipated sequel masterpiece widely known as PART TWO of INTERVIEW WITH MYSELF. Note, I did not just say I was playing with myself. I know how you could be confused by that. Especially if you were retarded. Besides, if I were doing that, I would not be able to type because it takes a big man like yours truly in order to fully pleasure himself with TWO BIG HANDS. My own, of course. Not the three hundred pound guy in the apartment below me. His forearms looks like he has muscled up by doing a lot of "wanking the weenie" all day and all night. No wonder I hear so much grunting and coughing below me. I think the guy smokes a couple cigs after he's done sapping his milk duds, and plays Lynryd Skynrd's "Freebird" when he finishes.
After one particular session, I thought I heard him say "Ta-Da!"
Personally, I've never been able to tolerate Lynryd Slynrd that much, no matter how much I stroke the skin flute.
Ah, well.
Here's the second part of the interview with myself. Enjoy!
Inquisitor Kelly: Why did you pick the name "Psycho Carnival" for the name of your blog?
Honest Kelly: It seemed like the most appropriate name. Really, Psycho Carnival started out as an underground newspaper. Underground newspapers were little newspapers or pamphlets that were regarded as subversive, anti-establishment type reading, in some circles. Some of these were artsy fartsy and/or loaded with hand drawn cartoons. Some had radical views to a majority of people. Some just wanted to voice an honest opinion on today's society. That's were I come in.
Here are some copies of the old Psycho Carnival. Sold 'em for 2 bucks a pop at a few bookstores. I didn't create them from scratch for profit- but to get my own ideas out there- across the country. Which I did. It was fun and I felt fulfilled.
Btw, I started my paper, Psycho Carnival, long before there was a band by the same name. But I didn't have the zine, as they were often called, copyrighted and frankly, I didn't care that they came up with the same name- whether it came from me or their own minds. Whatever.
Underground newspapers got their start in the 60's and 70's but were still semi-popular in the 80's and 90's.
I started writing, drawing and creating (stapling and pasting) my own underground newspaper (Psycho Carnival) in May 1996, using paper, pen, pencil and a word processor, several years before personal computers became widely popular. Computers were just starting to become a household item when I started my paper- but since I wasn't trendy, rich and didn't want my underground newspaper all fancy shmancy like those other candy-ass papers were, like some were in the 90's, I did my own thing, like I always have done.
This blog is an extension of that underground newspaper. I started the blog, late in the year of 2007.
On the back of each issue of old Psycho Carnival newspaper or zines, as they were called, which I continued to author for three years, would be a poem I wrote. It was one of many I have written in my lifetime. Check it out below my joyful artwork!
After one particular session, I thought I heard him say "Ta-Da!"
Personally, I've never been able to tolerate Lynryd Slynrd that much, no matter how much I stroke the skin flute.
Ah, well.
Here's the second part of the interview with myself. Enjoy!
Inquisitor Kelly: Why did you pick the name "Psycho Carnival" for the name of your blog?
Honest Kelly: It seemed like the most appropriate name. Really, Psycho Carnival started out as an underground newspaper. Underground newspapers were little newspapers or pamphlets that were regarded as subversive, anti-establishment type reading, in some circles. Some of these were artsy fartsy and/or loaded with hand drawn cartoons. Some had radical views to a majority of people. Some just wanted to voice an honest opinion on today's society. That's were I come in.
Here are some copies of the old Psycho Carnival. Sold 'em for 2 bucks a pop at a few bookstores. I didn't create them from scratch for profit- but to get my own ideas out there- across the country. Which I did. It was fun and I felt fulfilled.
Btw, I started my paper, Psycho Carnival, long before there was a band by the same name. But I didn't have the zine, as they were often called, copyrighted and frankly, I didn't care that they came up with the same name- whether it came from me or their own minds. Whatever.
Underground newspapers got their start in the 60's and 70's but were still semi-popular in the 80's and 90's.
I started writing, drawing and creating (stapling and pasting) my own underground newspaper (Psycho Carnival) in May 1996, using paper, pen, pencil and a word processor, several years before personal computers became widely popular. Computers were just starting to become a household item when I started my paper- but since I wasn't trendy, rich and didn't want my underground newspaper all fancy shmancy like those other candy-ass papers were, like some were in the 90's, I did my own thing, like I always have done.
This blog is an extension of that underground newspaper. I started the blog, late in the year of 2007.
On the back of each issue of old Psycho Carnival newspaper or zines, as they were called, which I continued to author for three years, would be a poem I wrote. It was one of many I have written in my lifetime. Check it out below my joyful artwork!
Enlarge, in case your peepers have trouble reading the delightful poem. The smoking monkey, by the way, is symbolic of humankind's follies and bad habits. Inquisitor Kelly: Do you write other stories, besides what some would call "naughty" tales? Honest Kelly: Yeah, I do write in other genres but for some odd reason, people get hung up on or notice the stories of sexual situations more. I have written mega-loads (don't get too excited when I say that) of stories that are science fiction, drama, humor and so much more. I guess it's more of that sexual repression type stuff that only goes on in the minds, for the most part, of the American public. In Europe, they don't have much of a problem with this. I gotta add that I think we're a country full of hypocrites that have their concerns and priorities misplaced. Violence is considered okay and often celebrated by our culture. Going to war on a country whose people we don't know or care enough to understand is as accepted as easily as Mom's apple pie and baseball here. But sex elicits raised eyebrows, angry rants, silence and shame, instead. How backwards is that? Violence is a flag we proudly fly. I consider the act of violence a hell of a lot more disgusting than the act of making love to someone. Blowing someone you don't know or understand to bits, either up close and personal or by a military drone- now that is SICK. To me and quite a few people, the sex act is an act that is funny, itself, really... so I often add humor along with it. The thought of two or three or a mob of people grunting and groaning and putting themselves in all sorts of positions to get their rocks off paints a silly scenario in my mind. Don't get me wrong! Sex can be romantic- but often times, it includes these animal type scenarios that emulate monkey hi-jinx, at times. For the record, the "Toadie" series of stories, I've written for this blog in the past, aren't something I came up with because I enjoy making fun of mentally challenged people. If people were to actually closely read those stories, they would note that the character, Toadie, who seems mentally challenged, isn't really that way and that he may be putting on an act, considering what he will say later on in an episode that reveals his true self. Meanwhile, the people around him are easily duped. That can come in quite handy for him. Inquisitor Kelly: What would it take to get people in this world on the right track and not continuing it's seemingly downward spiral? Honest Kelly: Understanding between people who might seem different than us until we get to know them. Putting back bank regulations. Stop communicating so much with electronic hand held devices (cell phones, IPads, IFux or whatever throwaway gadget they're called). It's so sad that we are a "throwaway" society on pretty much anything that's bought. Whenever a new "upgraded device" comes out, people will cheerfully buy it instead of, oh, I don't know, wasting it on someone who is hungry or homeless or some other positive purpose. Forget about distractions like reality shows and silly tabloids. Cease being a conformist. Stand up and take responsibility for your actions and for cryin' out loud, stop denying what's happening in the world. Fairy tales are for children. In fact, I think we should start preparing kids, when they are young with how things are so they don't get blasted in the face with reality when they get older. Speak out against what is obviously wrong instead of waiting for someone else to do it. Stop polluting this world as if we have some other planet to land on, inhabit and slowly or quickly destroy. Opening one's mind. Those are just a few things off the top of my head. Thanks for asking. That was, like, totally unexpected of you. Inquisitor Kelly: Describe yourself! Honest Kelly: I think I'm a man that has many contradictory traits to his personality. I don't think I'm bi-polar, by any means. But I have strong opinions and strong passions for certain things that seem to contradict myself. I'm not boasting when I say I'm complex, but it's the truth. I'm still surprised by people who have known me since childhood. One of the worst things you can do to me, personally, is make assumptions. People have done that to me all of my life for idiotic reasons and, unfortunately, I do have to address some assumptions (lies) and set the truth straight out there. If I don't, it has led to more trouble than I care to talk about. Personally, I don't give a rat's ass, though. In all honesty, I think I lost a part of myself when my mother passed away. I was a shadow of my former self for a very long time. Still am, but not as much. I attended therapy and was prescribed anti-anxiety and anti-depression pills that work for me now. It took awhile to find the right ones that were a "good fit" for me. It takes awhile for some people to find the suitable pills because they'll sometime have drastic side effects with these pills. Anyway, I could confide in Mom with everything. She would listen, non judgmentally and answer a question- only if I asked. She loved me, unconditionally. She passed away 7 years ago. I miss her love, twisted humor and our talks about ANYTHING under the moon and the stars. My Aunt Kay, sister and wife can sometimes fill in the deep void in my life but they, honestly, can't come as close as that. With this comes the responsibility I share with my sister of taking care of Dad, who has vascular dementia and other maladies too long to list. Even though he's in an assisted living place, he still has to be taken to doctor appointments and he still wants to be taken out to eat. And he's still angry, verbally abusive, threatening and you can never just visit him without him wanting you to take him somewhere. I recently put 200 miles on my odometer as we got lost three different times during the day. He refused to be taken anywhere else but this one particular Cracker Barrel restaurant. This is just a small sampling of what we have to go through. He also constantly loses his extra body parts, including, but not all mentioned: hearing aids, dentures, glasses, canes and so on. Meanwhile, I'm trying to take care of my wife who has severe high blood pressure, arthritis and much much more. My own malady list goes on forever and ever so I won't bother to start. Besides, I've written all about it before. Excuse me for a moment. I have to shoot insulin into my belly. Be right back. :) Though I still suffer from depression and disease time to time, I'm still able to find the humor and positive aspects of life, despite what I'll sometimes put on this blog or my Facebook wall. I think people don't look closely enough at a person, in order to try to get to know them, at least, to some degree. What a shame! For me. For others. Everyone. Inquisitor Kelly: What's the weirdest thing that's happened to you, lately? Honest Kelly: Well, for this scorchingly hot summer, there was a woman in her early forties, in a tank top and pair of shorts, sitting on her ten speed bicycle. She would be sitting on her bicycle for hours and hours at the end of our road. I would go to the store, for awhile or go to the park or wherever. When I'd come back. Sure enough, she would still be there. I wanted to roll down my window and ask her if she was okay because she looked like she was going to cross out onto the side of road to ride her bike, even though when there wasn't any traffic, but she would just sit there, instead and quietly wait. Every so often, she did a little circle ride at the end of our road but she wouldn't travel further. I thought something was wrong with her, maybe mentally, but wasn't sure. Maybe, I thought, she was just afraid to take her bike out and ride it along the side of the road. I never asked. I come to find out from my wife, from the neighbors and what my wife witnessed herself, that this woman was a prostitute. My wife caught her bobbing her head up a down on some guy in a car at what used to be a dentist's office nearby. The dude had his head leaned back, in apparent ecstasy. I guess he was giving the ol' girl some free toothpaste. :) I bet she could have used some real toothpaste, a pint of mouthwash and medical attention for any diseases she might carry. The neighbors told us that guys would pull up along the side of her bike, talk to her a bit and then get out to put her bike in their trunk. And then, away they went off to somewhere, for awhile, before returning her to the end of the road. Then she did the "wait on a bike" routine again. On several occasions, she was found to be wearing a sign around her neck during those skin blistering days. The sign read, in big bold lettering: Pick me up! I'll make you happy! There was a smiley face next to the word "happy." A couple neighbors in our apartment complex said she was mentally challenged. No kidding, I thought. The sitting out in nearly 100 degree weather with an obvious sign around her neck didn't give that detail away at all. These days, I don't see her... anywhere. Maybe the police finally picked her up. Maybe she's in a mental institution. Who knows? In any case, she's off the end of our road and we still have a bunch of neighborhood kids who still, gleefully, carelessly, play out in the middle of the entire length of our road with their balls and bikes and toys, not giving a shit if they get ran over or not. Btw, all of these kids have medium sized front and back lawns and big driveways. The parents, of course, still put signs out near the road, declaring that we should all slow down for the sake of their children. Yeah, and people still like to tell me that people are okay. lol. Take care, everyone! I'll be taking a blog break for awhile. Hopefully, I will blog yet again next month, sometime. Btw, would you care to try my free toothpaste? Just thought I'd ask because... as I've often said... I CARE A LOT. |