Monday, April 12, 2010

Great Way To Spend Your Days

Been wondering where I've been? No? Well, hell, I like you, too -damn it.

Needing a break from pretty much everything, I've spent the last few days finding relief by playing Roller Coaster Tycoon 3, Sacred and a few other old PC games I haven't played for years. They're every bit as addictive now as they were then. Pure escapism. Just what I needed. Now I'm back, ready to wreak havoc and dazzle fuckers with my infinite goddamn charm.

When I haven't devoted my time to building the most meanest, stomach churning rollercoasters known to animated computer characters, I've been going to different parks around my general area and taking nature shots.

You can tell I'm drawn to water in these photos. If you can't, you must be blind and/or clearly retarded. If this is the case, I will gladly wrap you in oil soaked blankets and set you afire. Don't worry. I've read it's supposed to be very relaxing. (Read previous post to understand, my gentle, slow-witted friend)

Hope you enjoy the shots.


  1. There you are! I was ready to send a search party after you.

    Sounds like you had a good escape, I get that. ;) Mines coming up next Thursday.

    I like your shots, you need to do it more often me thinks. Especially since it seems that you enjoy it.

  2. I was starting to wonder what happened I was going to hire some merceneries to track down your wearabouts but the only person I could hire was a cross dressing mexican named Quan Sanchez, totally off topic he does a mean impersonation of Jennifer Love Hewitt.

    Glad to see your rested and ready to go, we all need it from time to time, I've been thinking of taking a little break myself since I've been in a funk of sorts.

  3. Heh heh. Thanks for preparing the search party. I'm back from my short vacation from it all. This means I'll be stopping by everyone's sites soon, like tomorrow -and commenting. Maybe I'll be done by next year. :) I've got some catching up to do. After your shitload of exams, what are you doing Thursday, besides NOT being mentally taxed?

    Yeah, I plan on using my camera more often. I have to know what all it can do before the big cruise this summer or my wife will bitch at me for not figuring it out beforehand. Cameras and computers are my thing. Cell phones and talking on the phone are hers. I'm bad. Oops... or something.

    Hell, who else would take care of an asshole like me besides her?

    Jesus in a jar of apricot jam, this is a long ass return comment. Take care, friend.

  4. The Wolf- I don't blame you for wanting to take a break. I honestly don't see how people can post on a blog every day and still deal with problems and people in real life. It makes me wonder, really. But I won't say in what way... heh heh.

    Like DarkSlander, I thank you for rounding up the necessary search party (mercenaries, drunken hobos and transvestites named Quan). I hope you are able to get out of your funk soon. Perhaps a "happy ending" is in order. It might get the funk spunk out of your system.

    Take care, friend.

  5. Anonymous4/13/2010

    Hiya. Roller Coaster Tycoon 3? Wow! I stopped playing that game when those Animated peeps started haunting me for making them sit in High intensity rides which lasted for a day(game time).

    Lovely shots. I liked the flowers very much.

    Do the wrapping of oil soaked blankets next to the water. And remember, invite Mr. Han Li. He can always push us when the "relaxing" turns to "panic"... LOL

  6. These are great pics.

    Glad to have you back.

    I'm not a roller coaster fan. Not that I have anything against them. My wife loves them. They just scare the crap out of me! And I get sick.

  7. Mr. Stupid- LOL... OOOooh... The ghosts of animated peeps are the worst kind. One moment they're not there, the next they're on your back, screaming and clawing at your flesh. Wait... That's another video game. :0 Thanks for the compliment, dude.

    Mr. Han Li can set himself on fire and he would consider himself lucky if I pissed on him. LOL

    One of The Guys- Thanks for saying that, Guy. Anymore, I can't ride them either, but I used to be a big fan of rollercoasters. My wife made me ride in the front seat of THE BEAST and I nearly shit myself.

  8. Ha ahahahahaha... That was my plan all along. Leave you with the freaks of the blogosphere. Quite clever of me, don'tcha think? Hope you didn't have as much fun as me.

  9. Well those are nice pictures. So where the hell is it?
    So you've been playing with yourself? A bit of slapping the old sausage eh?
    Whoops, you've been 'relieving' yourself by playing video games.
    Seriously, I can understand wanting a bit of time out. Glad you are back, though.
    I having loads of fucking fun sorting out aliens and getting ready for the 'wee folks' wedding.
    Yeah I'm fucked up but I love it. So there you go.
    Take care and have a juicy fart back atcha'. Sniff that fucker:-)
    Kind wishes and shit, Gary :-)

  10. Crazy Brunette: No need to fear. Crazy Fucker is here. That's my new superhero name. Catchy, aye? Remember Ashley, that when you are insane in the membrane, it can make it easier, sometimes, to cope with the evil fuckers in this world.

  11. klahanie- Yes, Gary, I'm glad you asked how I've been yankin' the ol' pulley chain until my load spills onto the head of my sleeping cat, with the end result being that said kitty wakes abruptly and bites off my pulley.

    So there ya have it.

    Yes, I've noticed lately how you've been obsessed with gnome and fairy weddings, aliens and cars with faces. WTF? Might I suggest the name of a good therapist for you??? :)

    Take care, Gary

  12. You make a valid point... yes, we are.


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