Sunday, December 18, 2011

Why Santa May Be a Little Late This Year

Gotta make this a quickie video post, guys.  Been doing the Christmas type visiting and shopping all day/all night and I'm too pooped to pop an elaborate post outta my festive, holly jolly holiday ol' butt.  In any case, watch this video and feel the warmth of Christmas magic.  Let the kids watch for extra fun.  I'm not responsible for any future therapy, however.


  1. Annabelle- Thank you. :)

  2. Be careful where you park the sleigh when having a piss in the woods lol

  3. G- Truer words of wisdom have never been spoken. The last time I parked my sleigh in the forest, I was mugged and viciously cornholed by a gang of elves. Ho ho ho.

    Btw, I'm glad to see you're alive and well and back in the blogging scene, my friend.

  4. Thanks for that scene from The Deer Hunter. Nice twist at the end!
    Click here for Bazza’s Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

  5. bazza- You are most definitely welcome, ol' friend. I hope it brought you happy holiday joy and stuff.

  6. Static- Only a few people know that Santa has been locked in my basement for a few weeks since I killed off his traditional mode of travel. Every so often, I jab him in the eye with my candy cane to see if he's still alive.

  7. So is Santa still alive? I'm surprised you haven't gone to the media with this. However, given the circumstances I can understand why you wouldn't want it publicized. I mean he could just be a Salvation Army employee you nabbed outside the supermarket. But I'm sure he's the real Santa like you say he is.


Go ahead! Write something clever! I dare ya!