Thursday, June 2, 2011

Right On Cue

You're watching a movie at home, something supposedly bad happens to the supposedly likable female character. She starts to tear up. The sad music begins to play because the director wants to illicit a reaction from the movie's audience. The actress begins to cry. Right on cue, the sad music becomes louder, practically begging you to go for a Kleenex. After all, it is the intention of the director manipulate you into crying, feel sorry for the character, perhaps think of the situation happening to you for that personal response.

Or it could be a movie that's meant to be hilarious. Right on cue, there is music to set that mood, too.

You may or may not react but it's important to the producers of said movie that you do react. It is their intention that you purchase the movie later or do whatever they want you to do that usually involves you buying something in connection to the (product) movie.

You turn on the TV. There's Paris Hilton. "Dumb" rich blonde, always needing attention. She'll do the baby talk routine, show some skin for a sexual response from straight men and gay women, will act stupid, will promote her company's product, will do whatever it takes to get what she wants but never what she needs. Right on cue, she flashes a smile, craving attention from the media because, deep down, she has low self esteem. Cameras flash as she gets out of the limo. Heck, Paris might even pretend to forget to wear panties for some scandalous pictures that only add to the attention that is craved or for marketing purposes.

Is that Paris's pussy? Better zoom in for the possible genital warts. Either that or ignore that and her obvious act and read an interesting book, instead. Might I suggest Jon Stewart's Earth?

And it's nearly the same routine for a lot of the superficial folks in Hollywood. And it goes on and on. You got your Lohans, your Sheens, your desperate Reality TV " wannabe stars", your politicians and a puffed up, egotistical Donald Trump thrown in- just for good measure. Wants and insecurities. Putting on acts for a response or money. Blah fucking blah, blah, blah.

Or for another scenario: A friend or family member you know tells you "a deeply moving" story to get you to help them that involves you breaking your back or giving them money or causing you stress. Or something else you can probably think of. Put on your thinking cap!

How about the restaurant scene? The waitress at the restaurant is joking around with you, hoping you'll leave a big tip for her. She asks how you are, how your day is. The waitress smiles, laughs, maybe even flirts. Whatever it takes to make money. She plays as if she's been your friend for who knows how long in her act.

Personally, I'm just interested in getting some decent service while I'm eating the food, transparent food industry employee. I will give you a tip if the service is good. The tip amount will not be based on how exceptional your friendliness routine was. The end.

Commercials are painfully obvious with their agendas, as well. See this, they say and this will happen. Let us make you laugh or smile or nod in agreement. We want you to feel good about buying our product, because we care. If that doesn't work, maybe we'll scare you, subtly or not so subtly, into buying it.

And then there's the news programs. A reporter or anchorperson reads their script to get the intended response. Right on cue, his or her voice will waver, maybe slow their words for the effect on you. Or maybe they will infuse their words with faked excitement about an event or group or individual. And because you're the target, you are supposed to have pity, happiness or anger for this person or situation. What fun they're having! I'm wanking furiously in tribute to their supposed ingenuity. Either that or I'm shrugging my shoulders and moving on to something that's actually substantial and worthy of thinking about.

Those wacky fucks on TV will talk about a politician named Weiner sending a Twitter pic of his wiener. They will talk about the latest celebrity break up. They will say things that you've heard before too many other times. Different names. Same old shit. All because they want the response, ratings and/or money.

The images on the TV go by quickly. Our attention spans have dwindled to mere seconds.

Ugh! It's a blessing and a curse to see through people. This will sound cynical. This will sound paranoid. But it's the truth. Everyone has an agenda. I've said it before. I'm saying it again- because the superficiality of it all has bothered me almost from the very beginning of existence. I just want honesty, my fellow human wads of fuck. Tell me what you want. If it feels right for me, I'll give it to you, because I, as well, might have an agenda.

Ha! Ha! Ha! What silly shitting, eating, self-absorbed, needlessly manipulative, sometimes easily manipulated beings we are!

And here lies the truth, in the next paragraph. Watch your step! Please, don't trip over it or you may or may not acknowledge it.

When you hear or say the word "agenda" it conjures up something conspiratorial in one's mind but the agenda, itself, doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing. Everyone has their own motives (agendas) or goals in life. This can be a positive objective like the good feeling you get from helping someone out. But people will deny that that wasn't their intention or it wasn't in the back of their minds before coming to somebody's aid. It doesn't matter, though. As long as they truly helped someone out.

I'm sure you can think of other agendas that can be positive. And some that are not, like some of those mentioned above.

I shall now step off of my soapbox, thus ending the lecture. Was I hoping to illicit a response to this topic? Nope. I just like stating the obvious (to me) and making observations. That's my thing. Manipulation isn't usually my game. I leave it to the experts. Besides, I find it boring and repulsive.

So right on cue, I say, "Have yourselves the dandiest of days!"


  1. I want my own personal violinist following me around, just for dramatic effect.

    Romance? Comedy? Horror? They can do it all.

    What kind of music would you queue up in the restroom? What is proper "dropping the deuce" muzak?

  2. Stuff like this, the extremely obvious emotional manipulation, telling us when to laugh, or feel sad, etc... people who think Orwell predicted modern society with 1984 haven't read Huxley's "Brave New World." You don't have to ban books if you can make a society so obsessed with trivial crap that no one wants to read them.

  3. Wow! You are Mr Angry today aren't you? I reckon you worked up a good head of steam there and it must have been coming out of your ears at the end. It's good to really believe in something - even if it's really cynical. Lots of fun Kelly, great post!
    Click here for Bazza’s Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

  4. I am TOTALLY with you on this post! That's why I have as little to do with people anymore as I can. I didn't have a TV for 9 years at one point--I'd continue that trend, but my husband has to have one for football (yet another ugh, as far as I'm concerned!)

  5. Anonymous6/02/2011

    crazy manipulatie emotions make me go roomba boommba

  6. what annoys me isn't the manipulation, it's the people who have a total lack of awareness of their being manipulated and their own manipulating behaviour. people like that are certainly worth less in my eyes - i consider them mere artifacts in my world, part of the landscape, not even interesting enough to consider a toy to play with.

  7. my dog manipulates me like crazy. the worst part is when we go for a walk in the park and she takes a crap just to watch me pick it up.

  8. Oh, yeah. Manipulative, superficial, vapid people annoy me too, Kelly. Everyone has an "agenda" of some sort - but persons with hidden motives are the lowest forms of life in my opinion. It's unbelievable how few scruples and little integrity some individuals have, and what they will do to achieve something.

    But it's a fact of life we have to learn to deal with and spot a mile away with our finely tuned bullshit radar and sense of smell that can detect such manure. It doesn't hurt to call them out on it every now and again once you've recognized it too, just so they know that their transparent motives of douchebaggery are made of EPIC FAIL.

  9. its all about the money and what gets it

  10. i'm really into this :D

  11. Paris is such a dumb cunt. Have you seen her sex tape? She claims that she was videotaped without her knowledge. She is such a stupid bitch. She was smiling in the camera while being banged. She was even talking on the phone while looking in the camera while being banged. Even smiling in the camera while sucking the guy’s dick. That chick has no damn skills in the bedroom. She is like a dead star fish. Pretty much just lays there.
    By the way, nice post. I thought you brought up a lot of great points.
    So does this mean when I laugh at your jokes and send you pictures of myself licking my nipples that you won’t front me the money for my vagina reconstruction surgery? Because I was hoping you would.

  12. I worked the restaurant industry for five years. Sadly, few people notice the service unless it's horrible. You can be Johnny on the Spot and get bupkis but a pair of tits can flirt for five seconds and land a 50% tip!

    When it comes to money, sales in every form requires an act.

  13. The fakeness is everywhere, have stopped caring.

  14. That's a grand idea you have for the violinist following you around, playing mood music. I think I'd like to hear Mozart as I'm pinching a loaf. Something nice and relaxing as I make my plop-plops.

  15. DocStout- Having read both books and making the obvious connections to how our society mimics the attitudes and oppressiveness of the stories, I understand what you mean. In fact, both books are the perfect example of what our world is becoming. It's sickening to see that people allow themselves to be manipulated to pay more attention to the trivial crap than what's really important. Even those that do realize what's happening, choose to bury their heads up their asses and do the monkey-see monkey do routine without question.

  16. bazza- Hahaha... Yeah, I guess you could get that impression that I was "Mr. Angry" today, huh? That's funny. Thanks for saying it was a great post, my friend. Have a great weekend!

  17. Lana Gramlich- I'm glad you agree. That means there still may be hope that not all people are blind or that they choose to ignore the blatant negative agendas of some and keep marching to the same beat as everyone else.

    Sorry you still have a TV. :) I could get along without mine just fine. Not sure if my wife could, though.

  18. supertwiks- Truly evil, crazy people make me go 'roomba boommba'. For sure. :-)

  19. ResCogitans- I can't stand either, myself. The manipulators or the manipulated. As I've said before... I find the manipulators boring and repulsive (and at times, dangerous) and the manipulated to be blind, weak and pliable to the point of allowing themselves to become slaves.

    Most of my live has been spent observing people and though not everything I've seen from people disgusts me, much of it does.

  20. billy pilgrim- Your dog is devious. Don't turn your back on her! Well, I guess you can't do that since you watch her crap in front of you and you have to pick it up.

  21. Static- I agree. Those with hidden motives sicken me the most. Since I've seen too much cruelty and manipulation acted on people around the world and have experienced personal treachery from those in the distant past, my radar has been on high alert for quite some time. In fact, those that even try their manipulative and devious crap on me, personally, are usually punished by me in some amusing ways, whenever possible. But I don't wish to gloat.

    Even their attempts should be punished. lol. Have a nice weekend! :-)

  22. ed- GREED is the root of all evil. And it's usually the reason for so much needless heartache.

  23. Marian- Fun topic, isn't it?

  24. Perhaps this is why I'm broke, because I have no desire to manipulate people. So sorry, I have a hard enough time sleeping at night.

    Great post as always Kelly :)

  25. Mrs. Pickle- You saw the Paris sex video? I've never seen it. I saw the Pam Anderson one and it was like watching a very, very soft porn vid. I can imagine what you were saying about all the fakery of Hilton's sex tape. I kinda figured it would be something like that. It's not just her superficiality that repulses me but I really can't say she looks that great to me. Too skinny. No tits. Too much make up. Annoying voice. Ugh!

    Thanks for the compliment on the post. And I'm afraid I won't be able to front you the money to transform your vagina no matter how many nipple-licking pics you send me. I appreciate them, though. They were quite tasteful. Have a great weekend!

  26. Dorn- That's too bad so few people notice the bad service. I find that hard to believe, since people around me always complain about that, after returning from a restaurant but I'll take your word for it since you worked in the industry. The "friendly or flirty" routine they pull usually influences me to pull points from their performance rather than add. Prompt, courteous service is everything to me, personally.

    No matter who the salesperson is, they'll get nothing from me no matter how good their act is.

  27. The Angry Lurker- For me, the fakeness is everywhere, as well. But I haven't stopped caring. Instead, I've only gotten more pro-active about it and angrier. Death to the manipulators! Yee haaaa!

    lol. Hey, have a great weekend, dude!

  28. LilPixi- No need to apologize for not getting here earlier. I'm just gladd you stopped by and commented. I know what it's like to be busy or needing a break.

    I like spraying reality juices all over everyone's faces, too. It's called "The Hard Truth of Reality Kelly Money Shot". That time machine idea sounds fun. But then, if you go back in time, you have to worry about stepping on a piece of cockroach crap and wonder if it will change stuff in the future or not. Now going forward in time may or may not be fun or interesting. Seeing as how mankind is spiraling down the drain, though, I think I can wait.

    Fortunately, things for me are starting to get better. I hope things are going in the same direction for you. Happy weekend! With much <3 and farts, Kelly.

  29. DramaQueen- Hell, it could be why I'm broke, too. lol. I've never been that interested in playing games or trying to one-up someone or trick anyone because it's stupid and unethical. Why would I want to do something like that to someone else if I didn't want it done to me? That's my motto.

    Thanks, DramaQueen. Glad you liked the post. Have a great weekend!

  30. Quite long blog you got here, i don't know much about acting nor will i ever :D But i do prefer to watch, and from what i've seen, acting is a great art. When it is performed well, it just sucks you right into it, and you have the feeling of yourself being in it too. That's what i like about it.

  31. Alekseezy- I like good acting in movies, television, too. Especially the kind is that isn't trying to overwhelm you be being over-the-top. I agree when it's done well, it pulls you right in. Makes you feel involved. Have a great weekend!

  32. i find clowns creepy

  33. Dvallej- I find that sad.

  34. This is interesting.

  35. Mike- Glad you found it so intriguing.


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