Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Smoke Trick

Look what this magician, Tom Mullica, can do. Not only is the trick amazing but the fact that he is still alive and in good health- is amazing.


  1. Pretty amazing. It certainly doesn't give me any desire to swallow a 'fag', or even a cigarette :-)

  2. klahanie- Oh, come on. Swallow some lit up smokes. It's good for ya. :) Might put hair on your chest, or, at the very least, burn some of those pesky vocal cords out of your throat.

  3. The Wolf- Uh, you wouldn't have any past experience with that there, would ya? Yeah, I'm with ya on not needing or wanting any more cancer sticks. I gave them up five years ago and I find that I can breathe a whole lot better.


Go ahead! Write something clever! I dare ya!