Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Last Time I Told My Wife She Couldn't Cook....

....she did this to me.

Luckily, the doctors were able to duct tape it back on. Thank goodness for modern medicine.

For real summer fun this year, try grilling out!


  1. OMG!!!!! What is that doing there!?! LOL!!!!! LOL!!!!!

    duct tape it back too?

    you are indeed magnificent!

  2. I would HATE to see what she would do to you if you told her she couldn't give you an orgasm.

  3. Anonymous6/13/2008

    They taped the right one back on yeah? Coz trying to pee through a chicken wing is a LOT harder then you can imagine...apparently.

  4. julia: I had the best surgeon I could find in mexico duct tape it back on. To get through the complex operation, I bit down on my wife's nipple.

    Tommy: I told her that one time and she forced me to fuck the cat for a week before I was allowed back in her bed. Actually, the cat wasn't half-bad. :)

    sy: I imagine pissing through a chicken would be a dilemma. sounds like you're speaking from experience. :)

  5. OMG!!!!! I'm speechless... LOL!

  6. my esprit d'escalier: this image will forever be seared into my mind :P sorry I just had to let it out! :)

  7. Anonymous6/24/2008

    Well, i do hope you taped back the right one. Don't think a chicken wing would do the same job :-)

    Thanks for dropping my my site

  8. I hope that doesn't belong to me....



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